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Sculpted by Gary Casteel


1863 Signed and Numbered Limited Edition Monument Replicas


At Gettysburg, on July 2nd, 1863, the 4th Maine, commanded by Colonel Elijah Walker, would fight along Houck’s Ridge and in the Devil’s Den.  For several hours, the regiment would constitute the far left of the Union line. When the Confederate attack threatened to the take the high ground along Houck’s Ridge, Colonel Walker ordered his unit to charge. Greatly outnumbered, and with rebel troops visible on the high ground above him and to his front, he ordered his Maine men to fix bayonets and charge. The 4th Maine would surge out of the "Valley of Death” and seize the high ground in front of Little Round Top.


As General J.H. Hobart Ward’s brigade began to pull his units away from the deadly section at Devil’s Den, the regiments positioned nearest the wheat field received the orders first, while those regiments fighting at Devil’s Den received them last.  The worst fate fell upon the 4th Maine, posted below and facing the gorge. While heavily assailed in its front and from Devil’s Den, the regiment finally backed out of the Plum Run valley with losses approaching 50 percent of those engaged.  As a result of their efforts and sacrifices, they would provide the time necessary for the 20th Maine Infantry, and the other regiments of their brigade, to assume their role in the history of the battle.


The regiment lost 11 killed, 59 wounded, and 74 missing out of 332 men engaged, including Colonel Walker, who was wounded on July 2nd, and Major Whitcomb, who was mortally wounded. Captain Edwin Libby took command after July 2.


On July 3, the 4th Maine withdrew to a reserve position on Cemetery Ridge (location of its secondary monument) in support of the 2nd Corps.  “The enemy, however, had just been repulsed, and the regiment was not actively engaged,” reports Maine at Gettysburg.


The monument was dedicated on October 3, 1889 and is located on the east side of Hancock Avenue directly across from the Copse of Trees.

4th Maine Volunteer Infantry

SKU: 1098
  • Size:  3 ¾” x 2 ¾” x 5 ½”

    Weight:  1.3lbs

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